PANAMA-GPS Maps $49.99 
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Ranked #1 USA Panama Special Forces
Endorsed by Latin American Better Business Bureau

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Map piracy is on the increase worldwide. While we take all reasonable precautions such as locking our maps, pirates are always hacking and unlocking them and making them available for free or illegally selling them without the author's authorization.
Creating and keeping maps up to date is a labour intensive and costly business. If the map author's don't receive fair compensation for their work, the quality of the map often suffers and the incentive to update the map is reduced. In the end, the end user suffers too.
Please help us reduce this piracy by buying legal copies of all maps.


Additionally using a pirated map in Panama is a Criminal offense, Panama-GPS  maps are registerd and copyrighted in Panama and the USA. Our maps are easily identifieable. We have numerous traps set in our maps to protect them from Pirates.



MAPS FOR YOU. By Buying Original Maps.